All content provided by the University of Michigan. Authored by U-M Faculty.
Problem Roulette
Practice makes better.
Over 7 Million
Problems Attempted
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How will Problem Roulette help me?
Problem Roulette is freely available to all courses within the University of Michigan.

Put your old exam questions to good use

See how your students are doing on exam topics

Curate your questions and practice exams while supporting your students
How will Problem Roulette help my students?
- Problem Roulette offers students authentic practice testing
- Our platform encourages students to space out their studying
- Problem Roulette provides students rich feedback about their performance
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Let's get started!
Step 1: Contact the Problem Roulette team.
Step 2: Work with us to import old exam problems.
Step 3: Use Problem Roulette as much or as little as you want.
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Practicing with Problem Roulette can help you boost your grade.
What are the different study modes?
Individual Mode
- Review topics and practice at your own pace.
- Save questions you're unsure about.
- Get rich data and feedback about how you're doing.
Group Mode
- Study with others.
- Discuss your answers in real time.
- Can be used remotely or in person.
Practice Exam
- Create your own or use one from an instructor.
- Set it up to be just like the real thing - including a timer.
- Get feedback and advice about your performance and next steps.
What do other students say about Problem Roulette?
“The refreshing thing about PR was that I could actually practice all the formulas and concepts I had learned in class on new problems; no longer relying on memorization, the concepts actually stuck with me at exam time.”
“As someone who tends to take too long on each individual problem [Problem Roulette] allowed me to work more on my timing so that by the time the exam came around I could finish in the allotted time.”
“One thing I found very helpful about PR was that it allowed me to study for the test in the most targeted way possible. Thus I never had to worry about whether what I was doing would prepare me well for the exam because I knew that I was practicing only on problems that had actually been part of previous exams.”